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Simulate and test your cloud architectures before you spend a dime. Build better products with controlled costs and cloud deployments that withstand the test of time.
Learning the cloud can be daunting for people, especially with so many services designed for a plethora of use-cases may take too much of your time to learn them and actually put them to use. So we pick a cloud platform and a service which can get our work done just to find out later that there existed a service better suited to our needs which could have improved our operational labor and saved us the unexpected high costs. The only way to test what we think we want was to actually use the cloud service first hand and find out ourselves.
Obviously, the cloud platform providers do offer us free tiers to test but all under a time/usage limits. After exhausting these limits, where do I test without the burden of managing real resources when testing in the cloud itself?
This made me think, what if there was something/someone that could guide me when choosing my architectural choices when deploying on the cloud? A cloud architect. Well someone who is always free to help me when I'm fiddling around and have my stupid questions answered instantly? A.I.
NoBurnCloud simulates the idea of having your app deployed on the cloud with lifelike users and problems. By providing you with cost estimates of your architecture, you get a better control over the costs and avoid burning your wallet. It would help you get a general idea of how the environment would be in a real world scenario, where you could get product updates to expand your architecture or would be bombarded with real world cloud failures and how it would affect your product's performance (business-wise). All packed into a single app, powered by Gemini AI.
It helps you prepare your architecture better by simulating events that will force you to use the best practices for scalability, high-availability, resiliency and security so that your architecture withstands any, well most, vulnerabilities.