Stellar Astro Dev PortfolioMinimal Portfolio Template using Astro and Tailwind CSS341Portfolio111000444111
#7Red Pong - Simple Pong GameA Simple 2D arcade Pong Game to kill your boredom.31Gaming, Mobile App111111111666
#9legooo React Design SystemA large open-source React design system41UI Kit, Project Management111111000666
#11Easy Globe.No more hours spent on creating 3D globes from scratch. 70Figma Plugin, Productivity, Design Resources111111000666
#12BuildrCreate stunning developer portfolio in minutes!10DevTool, Website Builder, Productivity111111000888
#13WebCurateLike Product Hunt, but handpicked daily, only the best20DevTool, Design Resources, Internet of Things (IoT)111111000555
#29Add to Sheets extension - Save to Google Sheets in 1 clickRight-click to add any content to Google Sheets00Chrome Extension, Productivity, Marketing111111111888
#33Resume InkTailor you resume automatically for each job you apply for00Resume Builder, AI, Productivity111111000111
#37☎️Churn-Quest: Navigating the Waves of Customer Retention inStemming the Tide of Churn, Strengthening Customer Loyalty.40Case Study, Analytics Tool111111000111
#38Improving Social Sharing on JioCinema: A Mini UX Case StudyClipIt and ShareIt Share JioCinema Moments Easily00Mobile App111111111888
#40Cult CreativeJob portal & networking platform for creatives.00Social Networking, Hiring, Portfolio111111111888
#41Ola Maps Python wrapper A Python wrapper for the OLA Maps API00DevTool, Programming Language111111111888
#43GetaResumeCreate a stunning resume portfolio in seconds, not hours.00SaaS, DevTool, Resume Builder111111000111
#44Landing page re-design case studyThis product helps musicians build their online brand00Case Study111111111777
#45Vision at a CLIP - Low-latency image rationalizationLow-latency AI accelerated image rationalization and search00AI111111111777
#47Find Me CreatorsA Powerful AI-powered TikTok Micro Influencer Database00Marketing, AI, Productivity111111111777
#48WeekleoWeekleo combines powerful task editing with a clean and mini00Productivity Tools111111111777
#51Mobile Apps Play store Data AnalysisAnalyzing Google Play Store data for app trends and insights00Analytics Tool111111111666
#52Spike Bootstrap Admin DashboardStart Building Apps Faster with Spike Bootstrap10DevTool, Web Template, Website Builder111111111888
#53@maniac-tech/react-native-expo-read-smsA NPM package built for react-native to enable auto reading 00Programming Language111111111666
#54Cygnus AIReceive AI-curated project suggestions in your inbox daily! 00Newsletter, DevTool111111111666