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Server Actions & Server Components
⚛️ TanStack React Query for efficient data fetching
⏳ Optimistic Updates for a smooth UX
📜 Infinite Scrolling Feeds
📤 File Uploads with drag & drop and copy-paste support (UploadThing)
❤️ Like, Follow, Comment, and Notification Systems
🔖 Bookmarks
🔐 Lucia Authentication (Username/Password & Google OAuth2)
🗃️ Postgres DB with Prisma ORM
🔍 Hashtags & Mentions, Full-Text Search
⚡ Advanced Caching & Revalidation
📱 Mobile-Responsive Layout with Tailwind CSS & Shadcn UI
🌗 Dark/Light/System Themes
✅ Real-Time Form Validation with React Hook Form & Zod
✍️ TipTap Editor
🚀 Deployed on Vercel with cron jobs set up
🛠️ IDE Setup with Prettier & plugins