View Project
An open source blogging (digital gardening) template for developers using Next.js app router, MDX, Contentlayer, Tailwind CSS @shadcn/ui, Lucide Icons, and more.
This project is from developers for developers. Please feel free to report a bug, discuss the current state, submit ideas for improvements, submit a fix, propose new features, or whatever you want. All contributions are welcome!
If you love this template and/or use it, please give it a star on GitHub. This will help more people discover it, thus help improving the template.
Note: This project is always evolving and it's far from being perfect or even done. I'm always open to suggestions and contributions. Feel free to open an issue or a PR if you have any ideas or suggestions. You can also see the [roadmap](#features--roadmap) for planned features if you want to contribute.
## Motivation
As a developer who creates content, I want to have a blog & digital garden where I can share my thoughts and ideas with the world. Now, there's not really a "perfect solution" for this currently. With included analytics, SEO, email subscriptions, modern tooling, simple design, etc. We either have to build one from scratch, use a design template and code the features, or use a CMS/no-code tool.
So I decided to build a solution that I would use myself. This is the result.
## Getting Started
If you want to see how I set up this template for my own digital garden, you can check out [this commit]( with all the changes.
1. Use the repo as a template
2. Install dependencies with `pnpm install`
3. Edit `utils/metadata.ts` with your information
4. Edit `utils/usesData.ts` with your information
5. Edit `utils/projectsData.ts` with your information
6. Edit `content/pages/now` with your information
7. Edit `content/pages/about` with your information
8. Run the development server with `pnpm dev`
Open [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) in your browser to see the result.
### Writing content
You can write content in Markdown or MDX. The content is located in `content/` and is organized in folders. The `pages` folder contains the pages. The `posts` folder contains the blogposts. The `projects` folder contains the projects.
Editing list pages is done in the `lib` folder.
- `/uses` - `lib/uses-data.ts`
- `/projects` - `lib/projects-data.ts`
- `/social` - `lib/social-data.ts`
### Deployment
You can deploy the project with [Vercel]( or any other hosting provider. If you want to use Vercel, you can use the button at the top of this README.
1. Update `package.json` author information
2. Set up the `NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL` environment variable on Vercel to point to your website's root URL
3. Build and deploy
## Customization
### Fonts
This project uses [Inter]( as the default font. You can change it on `app/layout.tsx` using the `next/fonts` package.
### Colors
The project uses Tailwind colors and @shadcn/ui config. Customize the colors on `globals.css`.
### Metadata
You can change the metadata in `utils/metadata.ts`. This will be used around the site for titles, social links, social handles, SEO, etc.
You can edit navigation links in `lib/navigation-links.ts`.
### Analytics
Vercel analytics is added. To configure, you need to enable it on [Vercel project dashboard]( by selecting your Project and then click the Analytics tab and click Enable from the dialog.
Supporting other analytics providers are planned. Feel free to open an issue if you have any suggestions or a PR if you want to implement it yourself.
### Newsletter subscription
WIP as I'm still deciding which email tools to support. Feel free to open an issue if you have any suggestions or a PR if you want to implement it yourself.
### Hero section
You can choose between 3 different hero variants to use in `app/(site)/page.tsx` by changing the imported hero component.
1. `HeroSimple` - A simple centered hero section with image, title, socials, and subtitle.
2. `HeroVideo` - 2 column hero section with Videoask embed on one side and title and subtitle on the other.
3. `HeroImage` - 2 column hero section with image on one side and title, socials, and subtitle on the other.
### Other tips & tricks
#### Image optimization
Optimize images in seconds for free with ImageOptim. Install on your Mac, then open the `public` folder in Finder. Select all images, right-click, and choose "Open with > ImageOptim". This will optimize all images in the folder.
Note: DO NOT overdo it. You can easily make images look bad with lossy compression algorithms.
## Examples
- [](
Create a PR and add your blog to this list if you're using the template!