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Spam exists everywhere and there are many solutions to preventing spam like akismet. But what about foul language or toxic comments ?
gaali in Hindi means slang - bad words in a sentence - I don't know if slang fits the bill for not-so-bad words, like, I'll kill you. In other words, toxicity.
Google translate defines it as 'swear-word'
When someone posts a comment on a post, it'll automatically send it in a queue for checking for toxicity - it DOES NOT CHECK JUST AFTER HITTING THE SUBMIT COMMENT BUTTON - because the toxicity api takes many seconds to get results - sometimes more than a minute. So the comment moderation which is auto-approved if not toxic gets into queue.
If someone's comment is flagged as toxic then it won't be published and will be available in wp-admin just like spam comments are. But toxic comments are not necessarily spam. If its not toxic then it'll be published automatically. For a non-toxic comment that gets automatically approved, you would need to refresh the page to view the comment.