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Klave is a cloud platform providing privacy-enabling capabilities and zero-trust architecture for WebAssembly-based applications.
It enables all developers to create stateful, attestable, tamper-proof applications protected by secure hardware and cryptography at scale, in the cloud, without any infrastructure setup or maintenance required.
Organisations can maintain data and code privacy, integrity and auditability by design whilst facilitating use cases pertaining to the management of sensitive data, protection of intellectual property and secure data collaboration.
Klave is a paradigm shift in data privacy and security. Using secure hardware and advanced cryptography, it keeps data encrypted in memory and establishes a new standard against data breaches and ransomware.
Klave provides cryptographic evidence of integrity, demonstrating transparency and accountability in processing data. These proofs of honesty are at the core of establishing trust.
In Klave, data is stored in encrypted, tamper-proof databases, and the keys are only known to the secure hardware, limiting the risk of human failure. Klave is deployed on clusters of machines that constantly verify the behaviour and states of their peers, providing resilience and unparalleled security.
Klave SDK empowers third-party developers to build tamper-proof applications, remotely verifiable. It enables them to build privacy-preserving services and advocate for using privacy techniques.