Course by 10kdesigners

UI/UX Design Cohort

UI/UX Design Cohort

Discover the world of UI and UX design, build a network & find new opportunities.


12 weeks





A new kind of internet university – one that is focused on helping you build a network and build a creative foundation that boosts your career. Whether it's the poorly conducted Zooms & Hangouts, free courses with no accountability or boring self paced courses online. We applied the design process to design education (quite meta, we know) resulting in a totally unique learning experience.

We'll start with design tools but you'll discover mindset, frameworks and skills that will benefit you for years to come. If this sounds like something you've been looking for, we'd love to get to know you further and explore if you'd be a good fit! We believe in transformations – both social and professional. Whether it's moving to a new city, or exploring an interesting startup, chances are you'll find a fellow alumni who's been there done that.

If you have any questions about the program that aren't covered here, email us at [email protected] for any queries