Course by Road To Code

Internship Gurantee Classroom Program 1.0

Internship Gurantee Classroom Program 1.0

Learn Fullstack Development, Build Awesome Projects and We Take a Assurance of Internship 🚀

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Admission Closed


6 months


in person



Internship Guarantee Classroom Program 1.0 🚀

Join our Fullstack Development Classroom Program and Build Awesome Projects with the Assurance of an Internship 🚀

Why Choose This Course? 🤔

1. Internship Guarantee: We are confident in our program's effectiveness. If, after completing the project work and the course, you don't secure an internship, we will refund the fees without any questions.

2. Focused Learning: This is an offline classroom program, allowing you to concentrate better on your studies and practical exercises.

3. Limited Batch Size: To ensure personalized attention, each batch accommodates only 30 students. Our instructors and teaching assistants can dedicate time to individual students.

4. Dedicated Practice: You have the flexibility to spend ample time in the classroom for practice, and our teaching assistants will be available to provide support.

What You Will Learn in This Course? 📚

1. HTML: Hypertext Markup Language is used for creating the structure and content of web pages.

2. CSS: Cascading Style Sheets are used to design and style the presentation of web pages.

3. Netlify: A platform for basic website hosting, making it easy to deploy and manage web applications.

4. JavaScript: A versatile programming language used to add interactivity and functionality to web pages.

5. Bootstrap: A popular CSS framework that helps in building responsive and visually appealing websites.

6. Git & GitHub: Version control system and hosting platform for managing and collaborating on code.

7. ReactJS: A powerful JavaScript library for building interactive and dynamic user interfaces.

8. NodeJS: A server-side JavaScript runtime environment, enabling the development of scalable and network applications.

9. MongoDB: A NoSQL database used for storing and managing data in a flexible and scalable manner.

10. ExpressJS: A web application framework for Node.js, simplifying the creation of server-side applications.

11. Postman: A tool for API management, enabling the testing and development of APIs.

12. DigitalOcean: A platform for backend hosting, offering scalable cloud infrastructure solutions.

13. Introductory Knowledge of AWS: Basic understanding of Amazon Web Services for both backend and frontend hosting.

Prerequisites for the Course 📝

Basic knowledge of any programming language is required, and you must have a laptop to facilitate proper practice during the program.

This Course is Best Suitable for 🎯

College-going students in search of internships, who face limited accessibility to resources. We understand the unique challenges students face, and our program is tailored to help you secure internships.

Project Work & Mock Interviews 🏆

Throughout the course, we provide comprehensive support to help you secure an internship:

1. Building Meaningful Projects: We assist you in developing projects that demonstrate your skills effectively.

2. Crafting a Good Resume: We guide you in creating a compelling resume that highlights your strengths.

3. Conducting Regular Mock Interviews: Practice mock interviews to enhance your interview skills and boost confidence.

4. Internship Application Guidance: We provide valuable insights and guidance on applying for internships effectively.

Fees Structure 💳

Option 1: One-time payment of 10,000/- at the time of enrollment.

Option 2: Two installments of 5,000/- at the time of enrollment and 5,500/- after 45 days of enrollment.