Nehal Joshi

Jan 15, 2025 • 2 min read

Is this the end of TechEd as we know it?

Couple of days ago, I came across this video by Kevin Stratvert (love his YT channel!) about a groundbreaking AI tool by Google that is set to transform how we learn technology / software applications. This tool allows users to share their screens with the AI tutor to get real-time step-by-step guidance on the workflows or if you need to perform a particular task. You can also interact by voice or text - essentially creating a personalized tech tutor 24/7 at your disposal. 😃

As someone deeply interested in the intersection of technology and education, I can’t help but think of this as a pivotal moment in TechEd. Here’s why I think this matters:

  1. Personalized Learning for Everyone: you don’t need to watch an hour-long video, or search for and read 10s of pages of documentation, to learn about two clicks in software that get your task done. This kind of AI can easily understand exactly where you are stuck or what you are looking to do and provide that specific assistance. It can also adapt to your pace.

  2. Learning in the Flow of Work: learning is no more a pre-activity to work. It can happen right when you are ‘at work’. This can drastically increase productivity (for the productive types, of course 😉).

  3. Reduced Costs of Learning: you no longer need to spend thousands on learning a software tool at a workshop or institute. You can learn the basics for free on YouTube etc. and learn the rest while ‘at work’. No buying those books ‘for dummies’.

I’m amazed at how AI is democratizing tech education. It’s not just an improvement in how we learn, it’s a complete paradigm shift IMO.

My next mission is to figure out its impact on tech learning particularly in schools, and what role the teachers can play in this AI-driven revolution. What are your thoughts?

(do check out the video below)

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