Prathamesh Dukare

Dec 21, 2024 • 2 min read • 

How to use SlideControl to control your presentation from any device

Demo article for Peerlist hackathon project

How to use SlideControl to control your presentation from any device

Hello folks 👋,

I'm excited to announce a small yet cool project - With this tool, you can control presentations on your computer with your phone, tablet or any other computer.

If you visit the website I think It's pretty much clear how to use this but I'm still giving you a detailed demo in this article. So let's get started.

Step 1. Download and install the Desktop app

Download the desktop app (MacOS and Windows) from the website or GitHub releases page install it and give the necessary permission when asked.

A disclaimer ⚠️ : Current versions of desktop apps are not code-signed and hence might create some issues or show warnings while installing them on your computer. (I will create a detailed guide on why this is a problem & how to deal with this). Sorry for the inconvenience here.

Step 2. Creating and Joining Session

Head over to and click on start presenting. It will create a session and you can see the session details on the page. Once you get the session key, enter it on the desktop app and click on connect. Once connected you'll see indicators on both website and desktop app.

Step 3. Get the Presentation Started

Now head over to your presentation website or app, try clicking on the controller buttons on the website and see the magic.

This is open source and you can explore the code here - There might be some bugs so if you find them, kill them in PR or report it to me.

Secret tip 🤫 - You can also control media with this. (The media playing window needs to be in focus.) Me and my friends use this to control YouTube or Netflix while having food, I no kidding 😅.

Thank you so much for reading the boring article demo till the end, sorry I should have prepared a video demo.

Stay curious 🤞

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