A product's utility decides its worth, not its raw materials!
I think, as developers, we focus a little too much on the 'Tech Stack'.
Your tech stack is just raw materials.
If the roof of your house starts leaking after a light drizzle, does it matter that it was built using the most expensive cement out there?
Similarly, if a company fails to monetise its product (and goes under as a result) that it built using the latest, greatest, and the hottest programming language out there, does anything actually matter, let alone the choice of their tech stack?
Shortly after its collapse, people will forget that the company ever existed, and no one will care what they did and how they did it.
On the contrary, if the same company succeeds, and its founders & employees become millionaires overnight, its tech stack will be treated as the holy grail of success!
Why the difference?
Why should the choice of the Tech stack matter in the latter case, if it doesn't matter in the former?
Does the success of a company using a specific technology really guarantee the success of others who follow in their footsteps?
Over the past decade or so, we have seen dozens of companies fail miserably.
They tried to copy the successful incumbents in the markets.
They used the same technology under the hood as their successful counterparts. Some of them even went so far as to poach the developers from their rivals!
These developers brought in their "tech expertise" from their previous employer, and yet, their new employer's product failed to gain traction in the market, ultimately leading to its inevitable death!
What does this mean?
Does it mean that the developers became less capable when their employer changed? Does it mean that the technology lost its magic charm as soon as it was removed from premises of the successful company?
Is technology like Rapunzel's hair? Does it lose its magical properties as soon as it's cut?
No, it's not.
In fact, I would go so far as to say that it's a superstition to believe that a specific technology could guarantee success.
It's the same thing as believing that your marriage will succeed just because you married on a specific date, or that crossing paths with a black cat will bring bad luck!
We fail to acknowledge the fact that the Tech Stack is merely a means to an end and not the end in itself!
There are many other aspects to a success story that are simply not known to the public at large for one reason or another.
As a result, people simply attribute the success to aspects that they can see, and it's most primarily the tech stack!
The Tech stack is just a small cog in the wheel.
Frankly, it's nothing more than an investment.
What really matters is the return on investment! And if that's zero, no one gives a shit!
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