#1VR gaming landing page design10k Designers visual design assignment case study.0PROJECT OF THE MONTH111111111111
#3BlocTransform data (PDFs/Documents/Web/Notion) into AI Chat in minutes. Boost sales & enhance support with smart bots. Seamless user experience. No code, just a0111111000111
#6quratedA platform that collects, organizes, and presents the best content from the finest Newsletters.0111111111666
#8mindy — Article & Blog Website with UI KitMindy is a blog website with a UI Kit. Mindy comes with a unique style; you can easily edit and customize all elements with design components.0111111111444
#12Designing a poll feature for Avalon ScenesUsing a poll feature to increase participation and increase user engagement for the community-building platform Avalon Scenes.0111111111333