Craftsmanship - a word I love and care about deeply. But sadly, it gets overlooked, many times! So today, let’s figure out if it really matters.
I was onboarding for a software product a while back. It was a mobile app for note-taking, and I ran into an error. The onboarding didn’t go as smoothly as expected, but I still ended up liking the app.
The product theory we always talk about tells us that if the onboarding experience is bad, people won’t stick around. But then why did I end up using it for a long time and even liking it? I started thinking about this, and the answer became clear: it was how they handled all my bad experiences and errors.
I received well-written error messages, follow-up emails with great copy, and the app’s micro-interactions were delightful. Ultimately I had a positive experience while using the app.
Now, imagine if instead of a helpful error message, I had received “403: You don’t have access.” My experience would have been completely different.
This is just an example of how small things can make a big difference.
Whether it's job applications, software products, tools, or even food options, you’ll always have plenty of choices. There are many people doing exactly what you’re doing, so why should someone choose you?
The answer to this question is always attention to detail. That’s what makes all the difference.
Many designers are writing case studies, and with AI tools, it’s easier than ever to write those out. So why would a hiring manager or a founder choose you? There are plenty of people solving LeetCode every day, creating clones of Amazon, Netflix, and Spotify, so why should you be the one to get interviewed?
It is because how deep you went ahead for solving a problem, how many edge cases you covered thinking about things. It's okay if you do not have 10 case studies written but you designed or built one system that is complete on its own, solving something for atleast 1 person.
Be obsessed about things you are building. Your deep care about the problems and solutions, shows your thought-process and problem solving. And this will ultimately differentiate you. If you make the effort to pay attention to detail, solve the right problems, and address the real pain points, people will choose you.
This is even true for products. People are choosing better designed product over legacy products just to have a good experience, and your attention to minor things is going to make that good experience better. This is why you prefer the recommendation algorithms of certain platforms over others — they care more about the small things.
Whatever you’re doing, put your heart into it, and that will show through attention to detail.
So don’t build and ship things half-heartedly, people will notice!
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