Writing has made a significant impact on my professional growth, and today, more than ever, I think everyone should write.
I have learned so much by writing consistently!
My writing journey started with an aim in my mind. I was actively searching for a job, learning multiple things, and navigating through different experiences. Honestly, I was not happy with the way things were and wanted to do something about it.
One day, while reading a random article, I came across someone sharing their journey of writing one article a week for an entire year. I was fascinated with the level of consistency needed to achieve that!!
As someone who admires consistency, it struck a chord. It was January, a time for resolutions and retrospection, and I was also recovering from COVID. All this brought a big realization about what I was doing with my life. 😄
So, I decided to start writing.
Without overthinking or expecting outcomes, I committed to writing and publishing one article every Thursday at 4 PM. My only goal was to stick to the habit. I started with very basic technical articles, choosing topics randomly each week.
This was pre-ChatGPT, so every word was purely mine 😅. Writing helped me gain clarity on various topics, and soon, my articles began getting noticed. From initial likes and comments to being featured in newsletters, every bit of appreciation encouraged me.
Though I didn’t make it to 52 weeks, I reached a 21-week streak. And those 21 weeks changed everything.
These articles helped me receive job opportunities! When someone featured me in their newsletters, hiring managers used to reach out to check if I was looking for a job. People started following me across social platforms, and I built a small audience. I even got some writing gigs, and this extra money was super important during Peerlist’s early days when I left my full-time job.
But as startup responsibilities took over, I lost the habit. That’s why this challenge is so important to me now.
Even now, I write for personal clarity, but I don’t share as much as I used to. But this is why I always encourage others to start writing. Many feel they don’t have the topics or the skills to write, but the truth is, writing will give you all solutions. The more you write, the easier it becomes. You will find topics and develop unmatched clarity of thought.
While reading is great advice, you can’t survive on input alone. Writing is the output that balances the equation.
If 21 weeks of consistency brought such significant changes, imagine what could happen if I stayed consistent long enough for it to become part of my personality. And the same applies to you too!
So to everyone reading this article, I have one thing to say! Write. Few people write, and even fewer write well. Imagine being among that rare group 💚
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