
How to Revert Last Commit in Git

How to Revert Last Commit in Git

Learn the step-by-step process to undo your last Git commit, including methods for local and remote changes.

Yogini Bende

Yogini Bende

Sep 15, 2024 4 min read


How to Revert Last Commit in Git locally and remotely

git reset HEAD~1
git revert HEAD

Git is an essential tool for version control in software development. However, mistakes happen, and you might find yourself needing to undo your last commit. This comprehensive guide will walk you through various methods to revert the last commit in Git, ensuring you can maintain a clean and efficient workflow.

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding Git Commits

  2. Why You Might Need to Revert a Commit

  3. Method 1: Using git reset

  4. Method 2: Using git revert

  5. Method 3: Amending the Last Commit

  6. Reverting Pushed Commits

  7. Best Practices for Git Workflow

  8. Troubleshooting Common Issues

  9. Conclusion

Understanding Git Commits

Before we dive into reverting commits, it's crucial to understand what a Git commit represents. A commit in Git is a snapshot of your project at a specific point in time. It includes all the changes made to your files since the last commit, along with metadata such as the author, date, and a commit message.

Why You Might Need to Revert a Commit

There are several reasons why you might need to undo your last commit:

  1. Accidental commits with incomplete or incorrect changes

  2. Committing to the wrong branch

  3. Realizing a bug was introduced in the last commit

  4. Needing to add or remove files from the last commit

Regardless of the reason, Git provides multiple ways to address these situations.

Method 1: Using git reset

The git reset command is a powerful tool for undoing changes in your local repository. Here's how to use it to revert the last commit:

git reset HEAD~1

This command moves the HEAD and branch pointer back by one commit, effectively "uncommitting" the last change. There are three main options for git reset:

  • --soft: Keeps your changes staged

  • --mixed (default): Unstages your changes but keeps them in your working directory

  • --hard: Completely discards the changes


# To keep changes staged
git reset --soft HEAD~1

# To unstage changes (default behavior)
git reset HEAD~1

# To discard changes completely (be cautious!)
git reset --hard HEAD~1

Note: Use git reset --hard with caution, as it permanently discards your changes.

Method 2: Using git revert

While git reset is great for local changes, git revert is preferable when you've already pushed your commits to a shared repository. It creates a new commit that undoes the changes from the previous commit:

git revert HEAD

This command opens your default text editor to enter a commit message for the revert operation. After saving and closing the editor, a new commit is created that reverses the changes from the last commit.

Method 3: Amending the Last Commit

If you need to modify the last commit (e.g., to add forgotten files or change the commit message), you can use the --amend option:

# To change the commit message
git commit --amend -m "New commit message"

# To add forgotten files
git add forgotten-file.txt
git commit --amend --no-edit

The --no-edit flag keeps the original commit message.

Reverting Pushed Commits

If you've already pushed your commit to a remote repository, it's generally better to use git revert instead of git reset. This is because git revert creates a new commit that undoes the changes, preserving the history and avoiding conflicts for other collaborators.

git revert HEAD
git push origin <branch-name>

Best Practices for Git Workflow

To minimize the need for reverting commits, consider these best practices:

  1. Use meaningful commit messages

  2. Commit frequently with smaller, logical changes

  3. Review your changes before committing (use git diff and git status)

  4. Use feature branches for new development

  5. Utilize Git hooks for pre-commit checks

Troubleshooting Common Issues

  1. Merge Conflicts: If you encounter merge conflicts when reverting, resolve them manually and complete the revert process.

  2. Losing Important Changes: Always create a backup branch before performing major operations:

    git branch backup-branch
  3. Reverting Multiple Commits: To revert multiple commits, specify a range:

    git revert HEAD~3..HEAD
  4. Undo a Revert: If you mistakenly revert a commit, you can revert the revert:

    git revert <revert-commit-hash>


Mastering the art of reverting commits in Git is crucial for maintaining a clean and efficient development workflow. Whether you're working alone or in a team, understanding these techniques will help you confidently manage your version control and recover from mistakes.

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Remember, the key to successful Git usage is practice and consistency. Don't be afraid to experiment in a safe environment to become more comfortable with these commands. Happy coding!

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